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Academy of German World Market Leaders

​The task and goal of the Academy of German World Market Leaders - ADWM GmbH is to promote science and research. This is pursued in particular by holding scientific events and training courses, especially the annual summit meeting of world market leaders, formerly the German Congress of World Market Leaders (conference for leading German companies with global operations with experts from science, research, business, business and politics). Between these annual congresses, ADWM GmbH organizes economic policy talks with outstanding representatives from politics, culture and business.

In addition, there are our own research series and the assignment of research work as well as the publication of research results on economically relevant topics in order to give impetus to the entire German economy, true to the motto: "Learn from the best."

In the field of research, ADWM GmbH cooperates with the University of St. Gallen and is working for an unlimited period on a large-scale study to define the term "world market leader" and the world market leaders in the DACH region.Further information on the study: World Market Leader Index.


With the PH Weingarten, the Academy of German World Market Leaders is developing a study on the subject of "school dropouts".More information can be found here.

Soziales Engagement

Die ADWM GmbH unterstützt regelmäßig soziale Projekte. Unsere aktuellen Aktivitäten im Folgenden.

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