The Academy of German World Market Leaders organizes various events. These include specialist lectures by well-known speakers from politics and business, as well as ambassador talks.
ADWM GmbH is also the initiator and co-organizer of the annual summit meeting of world market leaders (formerly the German Congress of World Market Leaders).

The 14th Summit of World Market Leaders will take place from January 30th to February 1st, 2024.
This summit meeting is now the largest of its kind in the German-speaking region with 500 participants from the top companies in the DACH region.
The guests at the event include representatives of outstanding companies, world market leaders, future champions, medium-sized companies and start-ups.

Am vergangenen Mittwochabend hatte ich die Freude und Ehre zugleich, eine großartige Veranstaltung der "Württemberger Köpfe" in der Heilbronner Harmonie zu moderieren. Die von dem Heilbronner Unternehmer Andreas Fischer gegründeten "Württemberger Köpfe" haben den mit 100 000 Euro dotierten Demokratiepreis in der mit 1000 Besucherinnen und Besuchern bis auf den letzten Platz besetzten Harmonie an den früheren Vizekanzler und Bundesaußenminister Joschka Fischer in Anwesenheit von Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann und dem Schirmherrn Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir verliehen.
The 14th Summit of World Market Leaders will take place from January 30th to February 1st, 2024.
This summit meeting is now the largest of its kind in the German-speaking region with 500 participants from the top companies in the DACH region.
The guests at the event include representatives of outstanding companies, world market leaders, future champions, medium-sized companies and start-ups.
Der von mir als "ebenso überzeugter wie überzeugender Europäer" gewürdigte Jean Asselborn äußerte die Erwartung, dass "zu Joschkas und meinen Lebzeiten die Engländer wieder an der Türe der EU anklopfen werden".Joschka Fischer nahm den ihm von Andreas Fischer und dem Präsidenten der "Württemberger Köpfe", Heinz Moll, überreichten Preis mit "Stolz und geehrt" entgegen und machte auf die Gefahren aufmerksam, in welcher sich seiner Meinung nach durch "die Bedrohung von rechts" die Demokratie hierzulande befinde. Explizit warnte er vor dem AfD-Politiker Bernd Höcke, dessen Vorstellungen und Pläne ihn "an die dunkelste Zeit unseres Landes erinnerte". Auch er sprach sich im weiteren Verlauf seiner Dankesrede für ein starkes Europa aus: "Verlieren wir Europa, verlieren wir uns".Viel Beifall erhielt auch Cem Özdemir für seine Rede, die staatsmännisch vorgetragen der eines engagierten Aussenministers gleichkam.Musikalisch umrahmt wurde die Veranstaltung von dem Württembergischen Kammerorchester, das den Abend mit der "Ode an die Freude" eröffnete.Der Demokratiepreis der "Württemberger Köpfe" wird jährlich verliehen. Das Preisgeld in Höhe von 100 000 € kommt verschiedenen gesellschaftlich relevanten Einrichtungen und Projekten zugute.Ein beispielhaftes Projekt!

In diesen Tagen war erneut eine Delegation der ADWM, Akademie der Weltmarktführer, und der DEZ, Deutsch-Europäisches Zentrum, unter der Leitung von Ming Yang und Walter Döring in der Volksrepublik China unterwegs, um das zweite Summit of Global Market Leaders in China vorzubereiten.
Höhepunkt war das Treffen mit dem chinesischen Handelsminister zur Unterzeichnung der Vereinbarung zur Durchführung dieses Kongresses unter der Verantwortung und Leitung der ADWM im Mai 2025 in Peking.
The 14th Summit of World Market Leaders will take place from January 30th to February 1st, 2024.
This summit meeting is now the largest of its kind in the German-speaking region with 500 participants from the top companies in the DACH region.
The guests at the event include representatives of outstanding companies, world market leaders, future champions, medium-sized companies and start-ups.

Erstes Gipfeltreffen der Weltmarktführer in Peking
The 14th Summit of World Market Leaders will take place from January 30th to February 1st, 2024.
This summit meeting is now the largest of its kind in the German-speaking region with 500 participants from the top companies in the DACH region.
The guests at the event include representatives of outstanding companies, world market leaders, future champions, medium-sized companies and start-ups.
Im Nachgang zu dem ersten Internationalen Gipfeltreffen der Weltmarktführer in Peking im Mai 2024 fand ein ausführliches Gespräch mit Generalkonsul Huang, dem DEZ-Repräsentanten Ming Yang sowie dem Gründer der Gipfeltreffen Walter Döring in dessen Residenz in Frankfurt am Main statt.
In diesem haben die DEZ und die ADWM mit dem Generalkonsul vereinbart, sowohl weitere Gespräche zu führen als auch weitere Kongresse in China zum Vorteil beider Volkswirtschaften durchzuführen.
Generalkonsul Huang und Walter Döring stimmten ebenso wie Ming Yang darin überein, dass es keinen Sinn macht, die zweitgrößte (China) und die drittgrößte (Deutschland) Volkswirtschaft der Welt zu "entkoppeln/de-coupeln". Dies würde auch nicht den Interessen der Firmen beider Länder entsprechen, die an dem Gipfeltreffen in Peking teilgenommen haben und dringend an Fortsetzungen interessiert sind.

The 14th Summit of World Market Leaders will take place from January 30th to February 1st, 2024.
This summit meeting is now the largest of its kind in the German-speaking region with 500 participants from the top companies in the DACH region.
The guests at the event include representatives of outstanding companies, world market leaders, future champions, medium-sized companies and start-ups.
February 1-2, 2023 | CEO Eve on January 31, 2023
13th summit a complete success.
The past 13th summit meeting of the world market leaders was a complete success - according to the participants, who were full of praise and recognition. "The 13 has proven to be a lucky number," as was often heard. Outstanding speakers showed competently and with extremely strong opinions how they led their companies to the top and kept them there. As the "medium-sized companies of tomorrow", start-ups gave courage and, like the "established ones", impressively demonstrated what it means to "learn from the best".
One of the many highlights was the gala evening in the Carmen-Würth-Forum, in which the Würth Philharmonic and the Nobel Prize for Literature, Herta Müller, were able to captivate the almost 500 listeners with her unique way of speaking to create a thoughtful impression.
Reference to a small anniversary: For the 10th time, WirtschaftsWoche was an event partner of the Academy of World Market Leaders. A successful partnership: without the ADWM the summit meeting would not exist, and without WirtschaftsWoche it would no longer exist; never change a winning team!
As the founder and co-organizer of this summit meeting of world market leaders, I would like to thank everyone involved on, behind and in front of the stage and I look forward to next year, when the 14th summit meeting will take place again in Schwäbisch Halll and Künzelsau-Gaisbach from 30.1. will take place until 2/1/24. dr Walter Doring
What is the difference between the Summit of World Market Leaders and the World Economic Forum in Davos?
Answer: The summit meeting took place from 1.-3. February 2022 LIVE took place.
WirtschaftsWoche and the Academy of World Market Leaders courageously opted for "Live" and were successful with it.
Whether the longest-serving Foreign Minister of the European Union, Jean Asselborn, or the SPD Federal Chairman Lars Klingbeil, or the Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger from politics or Lars Feld for science or numerous CEO's for business, including those of Kärcher, Voith Group , ElringKlinger, Bausparkasse Schwäbisch, Würth Group, BSH Hausgeräte, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bilfinger, HDI Group, Workday and many others - they all inspired and convinced with their statements.
In addition, the family entrepreneurs Wolfgang Grupp, Michael Otto, Reinhold Würth, who left lasting impressions with their life and company stories.
Encouraging start-ups such as NEURA Robotics, Morphais VC and others showed what the "medium-sized companies of tomorrow" will look like.
The Kunsthalle and the Würth Philharmonic offered cultural events of the very highest standard. No wonder there were enthusiastic comments. For example, in the Südwestpresse: "Never before has there been so much praise and enthusiasm for the summit meeting as this year."
Editor-in-Chief of WirtschaftsWoche Beat Balzli and Dr. Walter Döring jointly assure: "Next year we will make the thirteenth summit of the world market leaders in Schwäbisch Hall the top event for the world market leaders and the leading medium-sized companies in the DACH region".
2020 - 2022
In 2020, the first summit meeting of the world market leaders, at that time still called the World Market Leaders Congress, took place in Schwäbisch Hall.
Other event highlights in addition to the annual summit meeting in recent years have included
dr Lisa Federle, Germany's most famous emergency doctor, in conversation with Dr. Walter Döring, former Minister of Economics
Trading partner China - Opportunities and hurdles for German companies
Iris Berben as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Volker Kauder as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
The best from Baden-Württemberg
Günter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner until 2010 as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Prof. Dr. hc Rudolf Mellinghoff, President of the Federal Fiscal Court as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Prof. Dr. Hans-Adalbert "Bert" Rürup, President of the Handelsblatt Research Institute and former "Wirtschaftsweiser" guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, sports psychologist of the German world champion soccer team on team building, motivation, dealing with stress and change management
Ambassador talks with the ambassadors of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
dr Eckhard Cordes, Chairman of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Jörg Asmussen, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, visiting the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Ambassador talks with the Ambassador of Turkey in Germany, HE Hüseyin Avni Karsioglu as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Klaus Regling, Head of the Euro Crisis Fund: "Europe's Answer to the Euro Crisis" guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
professor dr dr hc mult. Paul Kirchhof as a guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders
Ambassador talks with the ambassadors of France, Turkey and the Czech Republic guest at the Academy of German World Market Leaders